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Day One Hundred Fifteen

Okay, so, i've been really bad at getting pictures posted. I have been busy (as in no time AT ALL to post pictures the last couple of weeks (VBS + work one week, and vacation the other), but before that I could have posted.

I did take pictures most (if not all) of the days, so the picture each day thing is still going really well. And im not going to say anything for sure, but im practically positive that before this 365 challenge is over, I won't be using a P&S (point and shoot)! *squeal*

Anyway, for this day (7/15/12) here is the horrible picture (i kinda forgot until i remembered when the lighting was no good, which pretty much sucks because this subject is actually super cute.
Its a knit Lego man my sister made for my brother, but entered into the State Fair. It even comes apart! =P

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