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Day One Hundred Seventy Four

(Just thought I'd explain the story behind this, this, and these picture(s). And also all the pictures after it. Do you remember what I mentioned in this post? I said something about finishing this challenge with a different camera.
Well, I have gotten a new camera! I think most (if not all) of you who read my blog already know this by means of one of my other blogs, but I got my DSLR (Nikon D5100), and have been using it to take every picture since that first day.
Now, to explain this picture. This is the first picture I took with my new camera. I didn't really know how to use it, hence the flash (I hateeeee flash). But it is my first picture (not edited at all, either), so I thought I must include it (really, I'm not a huge fan of how it turned out. Any other picture that didn't have a meaning behind it, and looked like that? Never would have made the running to be on this blog (unless, of course, it's the only picture I took that day. But that picture wasn't the only one i took that day. haha)

To explain this picture. This is me using my brand new camera.

And these pictures. Taken a day or two after I got my camera. They were a couple of the first pictures that made it to the blog.)

Now that all that explaining is over...

Today's picture:

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